something. Synonyms: Soup Sandwich, Soup 2. Category English Turkish; Idioms: 1: Idioms: up the ante v. Ante is AMAZING!! He is usually tall, has brown hair and a good style. I like to play poker with my buddies, but I don't like having to ante up each time when I know I'm going to lose. You must "knock one out" whilst in close proximity to any of the following; Your mum, a nun, your boss, a member of parliament, George Michael. 4. Getting better, actively rising above, coming in to your own, living large and getting larger. Ante up - definition of ante up by The Free DictionaryMassive dick and super duper hot as fuck, loves to fuck and is best in itante up (something) meaning: 1. On Monday, Urban Dictionary began trending on Twitter as presumably bored web surfers discovered they could look up their first names on the crowdsourced dictionary of slang. ante: [noun] a poker stake usually put up before the deal to build the pot. 2. Instead, they now are “Felicia”. ante up: 1 v cancel or discharge a debt Synonyms: pay , pay up Antonyms: default , default on fail to pay up Types: liquidate , pay off eliminate by paying off (debts) lift pay off (a mortgage) amortise , amortize liquidate gradually Type of: pay discharge or settleA site where people go on to search words, even if they know what they mean, just to see what it says. Verb 1. Said as an imperative at the start of a round of poker when each player contributes money to the total that the winner will receive. Definition of ante up in the Idioms Dictionary. The website was founded in 1999 by Aaron Peckham. Crunk — 1) a replacement for foul curse words (popularized by a joke on Conan O’Brien); 2) a combination of crazy and drunk, meaning crazy drunk (may also refer to people who are high); 3. US informal. Usually a goth gypsy kid who has a widows peak typical gypsy that pretends he is italian . " A. I see your 10 and i raise you 20, ante up. The stakes are increasing as well. Sometimes u want to punch him in the face 😡! He’s one of the best people i know and you don’t want to lose him 🤍🤍🤍the most annoying insect in the state of Florida if the no-see-ums and mosquitos pretty much leave you aloneLooking great in an outfit or pulling off a great make up lookan unconscious(sic) desire for social intercourse with a relative. Ante is a nađe from croatia and everybody whos Name is Ante has a mega big dick. S. Texas Chili Bowl. Some of them are just straight up weird. someone may say it during a robbery meaning give up anything with value. 19. adj. A military slang used to describe a soldier who lacks organizational skills, which is partially interchangable with soup. Tallahassee Gas Mask. Person 3: They probably searched the words up from The Urban Dictionary. ante up (something) ante up (. Synonyms: Soup Sandwich, Soup 2. They all sing, but mainly just Chris and Brandon. Define a Word. Ante: Guide For Gambling Dictionary [ home, info ] (Note: See antes for more definitions. Mostly known as daddy's princess. Kinda opposite its contemporary meaning, "the way things are now. More serious is the continued tradition of dictionary use in legal cases, where the interpretation of a single word can have grave consequences. Definition: To provide payment or compensation for something; to do one’s share of something. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Merriam-Webster unabridged. ) Quick definitions from WordNet ( ante) noun: (poker) the initial contribution that each player makes to the pot. Get the U to P mug. ”. See more words with the same meaning: crazy, insane, weird, strange . Be consistent on duplicates. Advertise your Twitter post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. to give money in. a fixed but arbitrary stake in poker put into the pot by each player before the deal. Also see antes. Meanings of "ante up" with other terms in English Turkish Dictionary : 3 result(s). Often intelligent and mature for his age, quick-witted especially around people he's just met. Other results All matches. All you have to do is visit the Urban Dictionary website and then type your name into the search bar at the top of the screen. “Hey guys I’m gonna go”. ante up - cancel or discharge a debt; "pay up, please!" pay up, pay pay - discharge or settle; "pay a debt"; "pay an obligation" liquidate, pay off. Getting it's name from walking to the 'Jiffy Mart' (a mostly defunct brand of convenience store in the South/ North Florida) in your neighborhood. noun. informal a sum of money representing a person's share, as in a syndicate. a person who disowns all his friends for the pleasure of pot. Pon tu parte, tienes que pagar lo que te toca. Look, if you don't ante up, you can't play, it's as simple as. You can be comfortable around him and he will not judge you. Ark up is an Australian used word. com and Vocabulary. Urban Dictionary’s definition of to nut, for instance, has. What does ante up expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Founded by Aaron. to do something or look extremely well. to give money, often unwillingly: 2. Ante Up Meaning. A special kind of dictionary that will tell you what slang terms mean. 1. Learn more. I’m not even sure this is possible. Write for a large audience. Wait a moment and try again. 2. He is friendly and gives good advice. he ends up gettin' kicked out of his home and starts smokin' crack. He decided to up the ante by placing his teenage daughter as a. : to increase an amount or level: such as. She loves to play sports and loves music just as well. ) To increase the size or importance of a stake in a game of risk. to give money, often unwillingly: 3. Look, if you don't ante up, you can't play, it's as simple as. Ejaculation must be reached before your danger wank target. ante up. (Urban Dictionary knows no bounds. The meaning of ANTEBELLUM is existing before a war; especially : existing before the American Civil War. He’s funny and nice to be around with. Finding a definition for your name is incredibly straightforward. towards a higher position; towards a higher value, number, or level: 2. ante up (something) 意味, 定義, ante up (something) は何か: 1. Ante. Ante up fool, i want. More random definitions. Norwegian Torchblower. an•te. Translate your text ante up in American English to ante; pay See full dictionary entry for ante Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. antes up phrase. Something went wrong. to give money, often unwillingly: 3. in the game of poker it means to put more money or something with value on the table. to produce or pay (one's share) (usu. The dictionary definition of antebellum literally means "before the war," coming from the Latin phrase, ante bellum. How to pronounce ante. Pay what is due, contribute; by extension, do one's share. Very cheeky and jack-the-laddish. 18. Learn more. There is an issue with someone/ somebody , its set in stone. See more. Used specifically before getting pumped up for a sports game, it refers to how much we the home team is bringing and that the other team better {up the ante} or we will. Girl 1: Don'tttttttt! by wraina December 7, 2011. adj. by up ). 37 Disgusting Urban Dictionary Definitions You Definitely Shouldn’t Try At Home. Learn more. He wants nudes. 1. Flag. US informal Add to word list to give money, often unwillingly: At least 200 people have been persuaded to ante up big money for the charity event. • See the full text of any definition. An ante is a forced call in poker that all players – in card games – have to risk. ”It probably hints to how the government is planning to ban Urban Dictionary because it speaks the truth about English and they’re jealous their dictionary can’t be the same. If you are about to die and only anted can save you, he would give you his heart. Learn more. a taste of (one's) own medicine. Get the Ante mug. But. • Look up both slang and non-slang words. Ante up, so we can start playing. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Short for "status quo ante bellum" meaning "the state before the war. . Users can also decide on which videos [20] get added to entries. Ante up, you must pay your fair share. Definition of ante-up phrasal verb in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. acting up is a way to foreshadow something someone wants to do to you; similar to “getting you going” or “in the mood”. An informal term that stands for or means something else than its literal meaning; a shorter way to say a word or phrasewhen ur too lazy to type out urban dictionary. Publicize your Instagram post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicksDefinition of up the ante in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. OFFICIAL Urban Dictionary app! Urban Dictionary is the people-powered slang dictionary. awiiyy. ante up (something) 의미, 정의, ante up (something)의 정의: 1. A mysterious word which is actually made up of the abbreviation “ur” and the word “ban. Publish if it looks plausible. ante up (something) ý nghĩa, định nghĩa, ante up (something) là gì: 1. The meaning of ANTE is a poker stake usually put up before the deal to build the pot. a : to raise the cost or price. 1. an amount of money that each person must risk in order to be part of a game that involves…. Words similar to. all fucked up. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examplesGetting better, actively rising above, coming in to your own, living large and getting larger. How to use ante in a sentence. From there, Twitter and. Jiffy Foot. amenities and infrastructure to create a "real" urban core? more_vert. He is honest and straightforward. Pay what is due, contribute; by extension, do one's share. Takes crack with his mom and steals from his friends. to give money in…. Please sign in to vote and post new definitions Sign in with Facebook. Their real name becomes irrelevant because nobody cares what it really is. b : to increase the risk or possible harm that could result from something — often + on. Ante has a mega big dick. to give money, often unwillingly: 2. Is a term of endearment such as Bro, babe, buddy, etc. up the ante informal to increase the costs, risks, or considerations involved in taking an action or reaching a conclusion: whenever they reached their goal, they upped the ante by. ante up phrase. to give money, often unwillingly: 3. ante: 1 n (poker) the initial contribution that each player makes to the pot Type of: bet , stake , stakes , wager the money risked on a gamble v place one's stake Type of: back , bet on , gage , game , punt , stake place a bet onAnte definition, a fixed but arbitrary stake put into the pot by each player before the deal. AM. informal. keeping it 100% real, no matter what. For example, The trustees were asked to ante up $10,000 each for the new scholarship, or Tired of watching Joe sit around while they. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Best person in the world, with the greatest pec's, so sexy too. default more . Tìm hiểu thêm. 9. 3. Suggest as a translation of "ante up" Copy; DeepL Translator Dictionary. 2. AM. Promote your LinkedIn page on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. 9. Everyone ante in so we can start playing already!Ante up definition, undefined See more. ante up 1. (in a club) DJ: "Lets up the ante in this bitch" **DJ turns up the volume** "I'm about to. to give money in…it means you're confused or can't figure out what to doSlang flashcards: Disclaimer: The information contained in the multimedia content (“Video C. See up the ante. Publicize your LinkedIn page on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicksAnte is AMAZING!! He is usually tall, has brown hair and a good style. 4. The act of extreme masturbation. The Urban Dictionary is the website you are currently on. The meaning of ANTE is a poker stake usually put up before the deal to build the pot.